Campus Church is meeting at Ilam School, 66 Ilam Road, Sunday 20th October


Hello Bible-reading resolution, I think we've met

Hello Bible-reading resolution, I think we've met.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.”  (Psalm 1:1-3)

Every year I plan to read the Bible but I find it hard to maintain my habits. Here are five resources that have helped me and could make it easier for you this year:

1. Listen to the Bible read aloud

Listening is great when you’re walking or doing the washing up. Listening and reading is even better — having someone else read keeps me from drifting. There are some excellent apps and Bible readers:

  • My favourite Bible reader is David Suchet: look for the NIVUK translation on sites — it is often Suchet doing the reading.

  • BibleGateway is a great Bible-reading app that is free and has lots of translations and readers to choose from.

  • My wife has started using the paid Dwell app — it has several excellent features (pauses between verses, adjustable speed) and lots of different readers which make it interesting to listen to.

2. Track your progress

I don’t particularly like reading plans with dates because they just make me constantly feel behind. A progress chart focuses on what you have done! Here’s a great progress chart you can print.

3. Get an overview of the Bible in your head

Gospel and Kingdom by Graham Goldsworthy is my favourite book here — but if you want a simpler version try Vaughan Roberts' God’s Big Picture, which also has a free video course.

4. Find a guide for every book

My theory is that much devotional reading of the Bible is discouraging because we know so little about the context. We have an almost magical view of the Bible that just having the words wash over us will bring about life change, but even a small amount of background from someone who is an expert in the book can totally change your appreciation of it. Think of them as a city guide who shows you the highlights and what to look for. Here are three examples:

  1. The Bible Project (5-10 minute videos per book).

  2. Help me teach the Bible (Podcast episodes, under 1 hour per book).
    Interviews with excellent Bible teachers on their books of expertise. They're a great way to get into a book before a teaching series.

  3. Mark Dever (Youtube, 1 hour per book)

5. Find some great preaching outside Cornerstone

I won’t be offended if your favourite preacher is not from our church. Listening to preaching beyond our church broadens your horizon, but be careful who shapes your heart and mind. The internet gives LOTS of options; lots of good options alongside lots of really bad options. Talk to your leaders about who you’re listening to; check that they have a reputation for correctly handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Don’t give all your attention to one or two sources. Here are nine preachers I’d recommend to get you started:

  1. Don Carson (USA) 

  2. Tim Keller (USA)

  3. Mark Dever (USA)

  4. Andrew Sach (UK)

  5. William Taylor (UK)

  6. Phillip Jensen (Australia)

  7. Ray Galea (Australia)

  8. Andrew Heard (Australia)

  9. Bryson Smith (Australia)